
Must Do

  1. Move the View: Social Media Icons: Header Social Media Block to the Logo region.
  2. News view: Remove or exclude the image.
  3. Create a page for the feeedback form, embed the form, and update the copyright.
  4. Install/configure Context (Menu condition and Region reaction) for the new theme. /admin/structure/context/list/sidebar_display/edit
  5. Check dropdown on /people

Optional Feature Enhancements

  1. Landing Page Links:
    1. Ensure the Field Collection Views module is enabled.
    2. Add field_section_link field to the field_section_overview field collection.
    3. Import theĀ Landing Page Breakouts (Field collection item) view.
    4. In Landing Page > Manage display, update the format of the Section Overview field to Views field-collection items and select the imported view.
