As part of the Pitt Momentum Funds, the Regional Catalyst Grants (RCG) are designed to support high-quality research, scholarship, and creative endeavors at regional campuses from individuals or teams to strengthen the regional campuses' research ecosystems. Awards will be made for up to $5,000 for two-years.
Apply for the Regional Catalyst Grants >>
- All faculty members at Bradford, Greensburg, Johnstown and Titusville campuses with full-time appointments may apply as individuals or as a member of a team. The investigators may be tenured, tenure-stream or appointment stream.
- Lead investigators are permitted to lead only one proposal submission at a time.
- Faculty from regional campuses applying for RCGs may also apply for other PMF awards.
- Applicants may not be undergraduate, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, or visiting (non-permanent) faculty members. These individuals may participate in PMF projects; however, they are not to be listed as co-investigators.
- Faculty from outside the University of Pittsburgh are not eligible to lead RCGs.
- Awardees from the immediate previous funding cycle may not apply to the same award-type for which they were awarded funding (e.g., RCG awardees in FY25 cannot apply for a RCG in FY26).
- Funds may be used for:
- stipends for students
- stipends to support involvement of community-partner and community-based organizations
- equipment or lab supplies
- project-related travel for faculty or students
- costs associated with hosting a project-related event
- services that aid research (e.g., translation, interpretation, journal publication fees, participant payments)
- Funds may not be used for:
- faculty salaries
View guidelines and timeline to apply to the Regional Catalyst Grants >>