Arts and Humanities Microgrants

As part of the Pitt Momentum Funds, the Arts & Humanities Microgrants support existing projects, works-in-progress, or test the feasibility of a larger grant idea for faculty in the Arts and Humanities. In these cases, a smaller grant with an expedited review time can be transformative. Funds support a wide range of individual and team projects, including conferences, symposia, workshops, and more. Awards are made for $3,000 for one year.

View the guidelines and timeline to apply for an Arts & Humanities Microgrant >>

Apply for an Arts & Humanities Microgrant >>


  • Expression of Intent is not required for Arts & Humanities Microgrants.
  • Awards are made twice per year (Fall and Spring). The period of performance is one year from the date of award.


  • Awardees from the immediate previous funding cycle may not apply to the same award-type they were awarded funds for (e.g., Microgrant Awardees from FY24 cannot apply for a Microgrant Award in FY25).
  • Applicants must be full-time faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh. Eligible appointment stream faculty must have research as their core responsibility.
  • Listed co-investigators may not be undergraduate, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, or visiting (non-permanent) faculty members. These individuals may participate in funded PMF projects.
  • Faculty from outside the University of Pittsburgh are not eligible to participate in Microgrant Awards.

Spring 2024 Cohort

Zachary Horton, Department of English

Player Computer: Gameplay, AI, and the Birth of Computational Media

Zachary Horton, Department of English

Michael Meyer, Department of English

The Beautiful Island Beyond the Seas

Michael Meyer, Department of English

Sarah Moore, Department of Film and Media Studies


Sarah MooreDepartment of Film and Media Studies

Received additional funding through the Mascaro Sustainability collaboration.

Elizabeth Monasterios, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures

El Alto: An Aymara City Where Literature and Architecture Meet at 13,313 Feet Above Sea Level

Elizabeth Monasterios, Department of Hispanic Languages & Literatures

Alex Taylor, Department of History of Art & Architecture

Beyond the Rust Belt: Reinterpreting Labor and Land in the UAG Collection

Alex Taylor, Department of History of Art & Architecture

Sylvia Rhor, Department of History of Art & Architecture

Received additional funding through the Mascaro Sustainability collaboration.

Drew Armstrong, Department of History of Art & Architecture

The Cathedral of Learning: A New Vision for the American University

Drew Armstrong, Department of History of Art & Architecture

Omid Shekari, Department of Studio Arts

Beyond the Institution

Omid Shekari, Department of Studio Arts

Aaron Henderson, Department of Studio Arts

Future Studio - Regional Environmental Justice Interventions

Aaron Henderson, Department of Studio Arts

Michelle Granshaw, Department of Theatre Arts

The Fight for Desegregation: Race, Freedom, and the Theatre After the Civil War

Michelle Granshaw, Department of Theatre Arts

Peng Hai, Department of History

“Greater Japan Muslim League” and the Making of the Modern “Muslim World

Peng Hai, Department of History

Fall 2023 Cohort

David Tenorio Gonzalez, Department Hispanic Languages and Literatures

The Queer Underground

David Tenorio GonzalezDepartment Hispanic Languages and Literatures

Michael Sawyer, Department of English

Reclaiming: 5 x (00:08:46 of Ju Ju)

Michael SawyerDepartment of English

Kaline Ung, Department of French & Italian Languages & Literatures

Authoring Autism in France

Kaline UngDepartment of French & Italian Languages & Literatures

Dela Kuma, Department of Anthropology

Africanizing Tastes and Consumer Power in 19th – 20th Century Southeastern Ghana

Dela KumaDepartment of Anthropology

Rachel Love, Department of French & Italian Languages & Literatures

Black Power and the Italian Radical Left

Rachel LoveDepartment of French & Italian Languages & Literatures

Lidong Xiang, Department of English

Cruel Girlhood: Violent Practices in Imagining Chinese Schoolgirls

Lidong XiangDepartment of English

Elfriede Fursich, Department of Communications

The Business of Media Diversity

Elfriede FursichDepartment of Communications

Calum Matheson, Department of Communications

Snakes and Psychology in the Archives

Calum MathesonDepartment of Communications

Joy Priest, Department of English

YODD: A Black Surrealism

Joy Priest, Department of English

This is a Year of Discourse and Dialogue project.

Sean DiLeonardi, Department of English Literature

The International Bestsellers Data Project

Sean DiLeonardiDepartment of English Literature

John Teacher, Department of Marketing

UPJ Theatre Combat Education Initiative

John TeacherDepartment of Marketing